Capsulitis & Synovitis from Rock Climbing
finger capsulitis from rock climbing is a treacherous injury that can last long if you don’t treat it right. In this article you discover how to rehab it efficiently.
finger capsulitis from rock climbing is a treacherous injury that can last long if you don’t treat it right. In this article you discover how to rehab it efficiently.
Discover how to be sure you’re suffering from rock climber tenosynovitis and how to heal it fast.
Which hangboard programs are there to get stronger fingers? Which is best for your climbing goals, and which isn’t?
Use the Rockshoulders Training Dashboard to analyze training parameters to prevent injuries and become a stronger climber.
What if you don’t want to wait until you have climbed 2 years to start training your fingers?
A complete overview of pulley ligaments, how you injure them, and how you should rehab them from start to finish.
Stretch your shoulder girdle to prevent shoulder pain and increase shoulder and spinal mobility.
As a beginner, it will be optimal if you can climb 2-3x/week. Take at least a day between training sessions,
The best way to hang while rock climbing is by positioning your feet and body so that you hang as